Performance Solution F3P1 in NCC 2022: A Comprehensive Guide


The National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 Volume One has introduced significant updates in Part F3 – Roof and Wall Cladding. A significant development in this evolution is the transition from Weatherproofing Performance Solution FP1.4 in NCC 2019 to F3P1 in NCC 2022. For those interested in a detailed exploration of Performance Solution FP1.4, we have thoroughly covered it in another post. This guide delves into the nuances of Performance Solution F3P1 in the NCC 2022, underscoring its crucial role in ensuring building safety, durability, and effective weatherproofing. We will explore the interrelation of Performance Solution F3P1 with other clauses in Part F3 and compare it with Performance Solution FP1.4 from Part F1 of NCC 2019.

What is Performance Solution F3P1?

The clauses within Part F3 collectively establish a comprehensive framework for roof and wall cladding. Central to Part F3 of the NCC 2022, Performance Solution F3P1, mandates that roofs and external walls including openings around windows and doors, effectively prevent water penetration. This clause is instrumental in safeguarding against unhealthy conditions, loss of amenity for occupants, and damage to building elements due to moisture. As per clause F3P1 “A roof and external wall (including openings around windows and doors) must prevent the penetration of water that could cause—

  • (a) unhealthy or dangerous conditions, or loss of amenity for occupants; and
  • (b) undue dampness or deterioration of building elements.”

F3P1 is at the core, with its focus on preventing water penetration, but it’s supported and supplemented by the other clauses that address more specific aspects of cladding and construction. This will be covered thoroughly throughout this article.

Scope and Applicability of Performance Requirement F3P1

F3P1 applies broadly to most building types, but it excludes certain structures such as Class 7 or 8 buildings where compliance is not necessary, and non-essential buildings like garages, tool sheds, an open spectator stand or open-deck carpark and other similar structures.

What is the difference between Performance Solution FP1.4 in NCC 2019 and Performance Solution F3P1 NCC 2022?

The transition from Performance Solution FP1.4 in NCC 2019 to Performance Solution F3P1 in NCC 2022 highlights a significant shift in weatherproofing standards. Let’s explore the key aspects and differences:

FP1.4 in NCC 2019

FP1.4 pertains to the weatherproofing of roofs and external walls, including openings around windows and doors. Its primary objective is to prevent water penetration that could lead to unhealthy or dangerous conditions, loss of amenity for occupants, or damage to building elements due to dampness or deterioration. The clause is comprehensive in its approach, setting out requirements to safeguard buildings against water ingress from various sources.

Key Aspects of FP1.4 in NCC 2019

  • Emphasis on preventing water penetration in external walls.
  • Detailed verification methods, requiring specific testing and assessment criteria.
  • Focuses on risk assessment and compliance with Australian Standards, particularly for windows and wall construction.
  • Includes a broader approach to weatherproofing, considering various environmental and structural factors.

F3P1 in NCC 2022

F3P1 represents an updated approach to weatherproofing, extending beyond FP1.4. It encompasses a broader range of considerations for roofs and external walls to prevent water penetration. Additionally, it introduces Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions for simplified compliance.

Key Differences between FP1.4 and F3P1

Unlike FP1.4 of NCC 2019, which lacked Deemed-to-Satisfy (DtS) provisions, F3P1 provides DtS provisions for weatherproofing of limited construction types for roof coverings and wall claddings. This shift provides a more straightforward path to compliance which simplifies the process for designers. Also, it indicates a move towards broader, more inclusive standards that can accommodate a variety of building practices. These key differences are summarised below:

  • Broader scope, applying to more aspects of building construction and design.
  • Inclusion of Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions, offering a more straightforward path to compliance.
  • The introduction of new testing and verification methods, reflecting current construction standards and practices.
  • A shift towards a more holistic approach, considering the overall weatherproofing of buildings rather than focusing solely on external walls.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions – F3D1

A significant advancement in NCC 2022 is the introduction of F3D1, providing DTS provisions for weatherproofing. These provisions offer a more straightforward path to compliance, simplifying the process for builders and designers. As stated in F3D1 “Where a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution is proposed, Performance Requirement F3P1 is satisfied by complying with F3D2 to F3D5.”


F3D2 provides Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions for roof coverings that are compliant with Australian Standards such as AS 2049, AS 2050, AS 1562.3 and AS 4597. Additionally, external waterproofing membranes to roofs, balconies or similar horizontal surfaces that are compliant with AS 4654.1 and AS 4654.2 are considered Deemed-to-Satisfied in the new NCC 2022.


F3D5 provides Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions for external wall claddings that are compliant with Australian Standards such as AS 3700, AS 5146.3 and AS 1562.1.

Performance Solution F3P1: Compliance and Implementation

NCC 2022 states “Where a Performance Solution is proposed, the relevant Performance requirements must be determined in accordance with A2G2(3) and A2G4(3) as applicable”. First, we will explain what Performance Solutions and Deemed-to-Satisfy Solutions are.

Performance Solution vs. Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution

Performance Solution Deemed to Satisfy

The NCC allows for two primary pathways to demonstrate compliance with its requirements: Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Solutions and Performance Solutions. A DTS Solution is a prescriptive approach where compliance is achieved by following specific methods or using particular materials outlined in the NCC. A Performance Solution, on the other hand, is more flexible. It allows for alternative methods or materials, as long as the end result meets or exceeds the performance requirements set by the NCC.

Determining Relevant Performance Requirements

When proposing a Performance Solution, it’s necessary to first determine the relevant Performance Requirements that the solution must meet. F3D1 directs to sections A2G2(3) and A2G4(3) of the NCC for guidance on determining these requirements.

Sections A2G2(3) and A2G4(3)

  • A2G2(3): This section outlines how to establish the Performance Requirements relevant to a building project. It involves considering the building’s use, characteristics, and external factors that might impact its performance.
  • A2G4(3): This section deals with how to apply the Performance Requirements in practice. It guides on assessing whether a proposed Performance Solution meets the necessary standards, including any specific conditions or limitations that might apply.

In the context of F3D1, which deals with weatherproofing, if a building designer or engineer proposes a Performance Solution (an innovative or non-standard approach to weatherproofing), they must determine which specific requirements of weatherproofing (like preventing water ingress) their solution needs to meet. This determination is guided by A2G2(3) and A2G4(3).
The solution must then be evaluated to ensure it effectively meets these identified Performance Requirements, ensuring it provides safety, health, amenity, and sustainability standards equivalent to or better than the DTS provisions.


The NCC’s periodic revisions, including the shift from Performance Solution FP1.4 in NCC 2019 to Performance Solution F3P1 in NCC 2022, reflect its commitment to evolving alongside the construction industry. The introduction of Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions and updated verification methods makes compliance more accessible, ensuring that weatherproofing standards in buildings align with contemporary safety and quality benchmarks.

At Prime Consulting Engineers, we specialise in providing Performance Solution Reports for both FP1.4 & F3P1, catering to the diverse needs of the evolving construction landscape. Our expertise extends beyond these reports to encompass a range of facade engineering services. This includes facade regulated designs, facade design compliance declaration sign-off, and other bespoke services tailored to meet the specific requirements of our clients. With our team’s deep expertise and commitment to excellence, we are well-equipped to handle the complexities of modern facade engineering and help our clients navigate the intricacies of NCC compliance.


What is the Performance Solution F3P1 certificate?

F3P1 Certification refers to a report-based certificate confirming compliance with all performance requirements outlined in clause F3P1 of the BCA. This clause focuses on the weatherproofing of roofs and external walls, including areas around windows and doors. This certificate/report must be prepared by a qualified engineer and is subject to the approval of the Principal Certifying Authority.

What is F3P1 in the NCC 2022?

F3P1 in NCC 2022 is a clause that sets the minimum performance requirements for roofs and external walls (including openings around windows and doors) to prevent water ingress that could cause unhealthy or dangerous conditions or loss of amenity for occupants.

How does Performance Solution F3P1 differ from FP1.4 in NCC 2019?

The key difference lies in scope and compliance pathways. F3P1 covers a broader range of building aspects and introduces Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions, unlike FP1.4.

What are Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions in the context of F3P1?

DTS provisions under F3P1 provide a prescriptive compliance pathway, detailing specific methods and materials for weatherproofing that are pre-approved by the NCC.

What is a Performance Solution?

A Performance Solution is an alternative approach to building design and construction that meets or exceeds the requirements set by the National Construction Code (NCC). Unlike the prescriptive Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) methods, a Performance Solution allows for innovative, flexible solutions, using different methods, materials, or designs, as long as they achieve the same level of safety, health, amenity, and sustainability as prescribed by the NCC.

Is a Performance Solution Report mandatory for F3P1 compliance for external walls?

No, a Performance Solution Report is not always mandatory for compliance with F3P1 for external walls. If the building design adheres to the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions of the NCC, a Performance Solution Report may not be necessary. It is required only when the Performance Solution pathway is chosen to demonstrate compliance with F3P1 through alternative methods or materials.

Who can provide the F3P1 certificate/report?

The F3P1 certificate or report can be provided by a qualified engineer, typically with expertise in building design, construction, or facade engineering. This professional must have the necessary credentials and experience to assess and certify that the building design meets the F3P1 weatherproofing requirements of the National Construction Code.

What services does Prime Consulting Engineers offer related to F3P1 and FP1.4?

Prime Consulting Engineers offers Performance Solution Reports for F3P1 and FP1.4, along with other facade engineering services like design compliance and declaration sign-offs.

What role does Prime Consulting Engineers play in facilitating NCC compliance?

Prime Consulting Engineers provides expert guidance and services in developing Performance Solution Reports and ensuring facade design compliance as per NCC standards, aiding clients in navigating the complexities of building regulations.