Civil, Structural & Hydraulics Design

Mt. Annan Christian College, NSW

Home » Projects » MT. Annan Christian College, NSW

We provided Civil, Structural & Hydraulics Engineering Services for the development of new administration building at Mt. Annan Christian College.

As a part of this project, we successfully delivered OSD tank design as well as ground water management system to resolve subfloor drainage issues for the existing buildings.

To determine the surface overflow, we conducted a comprehensive flood study analysis by using sophisticated softwares such as Drains and HEC-RAS.

Our engagement was  but not limited to:

  • Structural design for the steel frame structure and footing 
  • Flood analysis
  • On-site Detention Tank (OSD Tank) design
  • Preparing Stormwater Management Plans.

We successfully delivered this service and are extremely proud to be a part of the community that provides education for students in NSW.

For more projects, visit our Projects page.