What is structural engineering and what is the role of a structural engineer?


Structural engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that involves the analysis and design of structures that are able to support or resist loads. Structural engineers use principles of mechanics, such as statics and dynamics, and materials science to determine the loads that a structure will be subjected to, and then design the structure to safely withstand those loads. The loads that a structure must be able to withstand include not just the weight of the structure itself, but also external loads such as wind, snow, earthquakes, and even temperature changes.

Structural engineers use a variety of tools and methods to analyse the loads on a structure, including hand calculations and computer simulations. They also use a variety of materials, such as steel, concrete, wood, and composites, in the construction of structures.

Structural engineers must also take into account the safety and stability of the structure, as well as its cost and constructability. They must also consider the building codes and regulations that apply to the structure, as well as any environmental or sustainability concerns.

In terms of specific projects, Structural engineering consultants might be responsible for designing, analysing and overseeing the construction of buildings, bridges, towers, off-shore platforms, tunnels, dam, retaining walls and other infrastructure.

Structural engineering is a field of consultancy that requires a solid understanding of math and physics, as well as a keen attention to detail and an ability to think creatively. It is a field that offers a wide range of challenges and opportunities and can be both intellectually stimulating and rewarding.



Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computer-based method that structural engineers use to analyse and predict the behavior of structures under different loads and conditions. FEA allows engineers to simulate how a structure will behave in the real world, and to analyse the effects of different loads, boundary conditions, and material properties on the structure.

FEA uses a numerical technique called the finite element method to divide a structure into small, manageable pieces called elements. Each element is then analysed using mathematical equations that describe the behavior of the material and the loads being applied to it. The results of the analysis are then combined to provide an overall understanding of the behavior of the entire structure.

FEA can be used to analyse a wide range of structures, including buildings, bridges, towers, and other infrastructure. It can be used to analyse the effects of various loads, such as wind, snow, earthquakes, and temperature changes, as well as the effects of different materials and boundary conditions.

FEA can also be used in the design process, allowing engineers to optimise the design of a structure by testing different configurations and materials. This can lead to a more efficient and cost-effective design, as well as a structure that is safer and more reliable.

FEA also allows engineers to identify and evaluate potential failure points, this way engineer can design around it and improve the safety of the structure. FEA software also allow user to check specific details of the structure and predict the response of the structure under certain loading conditions.

Overall, FEA is a powerful tool that helps structural engineering consultants analyse, design and optimise structures, helping in the development of a safe, reliable and efficient infrastructure.

Cost-effective design

There are several ways that a structural engineer can optimise a design to provide a cost-effective solution:

  1. Materials selection: Using the appropriate materials and construction techniques can greatly impact the overall cost of a structure. For example, using steel in a building’s structure can be more cost-effective than using concrete, while using pre-fabricated components can also save time and money.
  2. Simplifying the design: A simpler design will generally be less expensive to construct and maintain. Therefore, a structural engineer can optimise a design by reducing the number of elements and the complexity of the structure, while still ensuring that the structure is safe and stable.
  3. Load analysis: By carefully analysing the loads that the structure will be subjected to, a structural engineer can design a structure that is more efficient and less costly. By identifying the load paths and determining the critical load-carrying members, the engineer can minimise the size and quantity of materials used, reducing the overall cost of the structure.
  4. Design for constructability: By considering the methods and materials that will be used during construction, a structural engineer can design a structure that is easier and less costly to construct. This includes designing for prefabrication and modular construction, which can save time and money.
  5. Building codes and regulations: Structural Engineers must follow strict building codes and regulations for safety and structural integrity, by considering and adhering to these codes a structural engineer can optimise the design to minimise unnecessary construction elements that do not add to the safety of the structure but increase the cost.
  6. Value Engineering: A process that aims to improve the value of the project while maintaining or increasing the performance of the structure. Value engineering focuses on identifying the functional requirements of the structure and finding the most cost-effective way to fulfill them.
  7. Life-cycle cost analysis: This approach considers the costs associated with a structure over its entire life-cycle, including the cost of construction, maintenance, and eventual demolition. By taking a long-term perspective, a structural engineer can optimise the design to minimise the overall life-cycle cost of the structure.

Overall, a structural engineer can optimise a design to provide a cost-effective solution by considering various factors such as materials selection, load analysis, constructability, building codes, regulations, value engineering, and life-cycle cost analysis while ensuring the safety and structural integrity of the structure.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is a process used by structural engineers to ensure that the design and construction of a structure meet the required standards and specifications. Structural engineers use QA to check the quality of their work, as well as the work of others, to ensure that a structure is safe and stable, and meets the client’s needs and requirements.

Here are a few ways that structural engineers can perform quality assurance:

  1. Inspection and testing: Structural engineers can perform inspections and testing on the materials and components used in a structure to ensure they meet the required standards and specifications. For example, they can inspect steel or concrete to ensure that it meets the required strength and durability requirements.
  2. Code compliance: Structural engineers must ensure that their designs and construction methods comply with relevant building codes and regulations. They must check that the design, materials, and methods used are in accordance with the relevant codes and regulations.
  3. Design review: Structural engineers can review the design of a structure to ensure that it is safe, stable, and meets the client’s needs and requirements. They can use this review process to identify any potential problems or areas for improvement.
  4. Construction observation: Structural engineers can observe the construction of a structure to ensure that it is being built in accordance with the design and that the materials and methods used are appropriate. This can involve regular site visits to check that the construction is progressing as planned, and to identify and resolve any issues that arise.
  5. Record keeping: Structural engineers should keep detailed records of all inspections, testing, and construction observations, to ensure that all aspects of the project are fully documented and that any issues that arise can be traced back to the source. This information can also be used to demonstrate compliance with building codes and regulations and as a reference for future analysis.

Overall, quality assurance is a continuous process that is an integral part of structural engineering. It involves regularly monitoring and testing the materials, design and construction of a structure to ensure that it is safe, stable and meets the required standards and specifications.

At what stage of construction development, structural engineering is required?

Structural engineering is required throughout the process of construction development. However, a structural engineer needs to be engaged at different stages depending on the type of building application, Complying Development Certificate (CDC) or the Development Application (DA). If the development proposal is through the CDC, the structural drawings need to be submitted as part of the CDC application. But, in the case of the Development Application, structural engineers need to be engaged after the DA approval to prepare the construction drawings which will be submitted during the Construction Certificate application stage.
Here are the main stages of development where structural engineering is typically required:

  1. Conceptual design: During the conceptual design stage, structural engineers work with architects and other members of the design team to develop initial ideas for the structure, taking into consideration the requirements of the client, the site conditions, and any relevant building codes and regulations.
  2. Schematic design: Once the conceptual design has been developed, structural engineers will begin to create more detailed designs and models, including load calculations and material specifications, in order to ensure that the structure is safe and stable.
  3. Design development: During the design development stage, structural engineers will further refine the design, taking into account factors such as cost, constructability, and sustainability. They may also create detailed drawings and specifications for the construction of the structure.
  4. Construction documents: In this stage, Structural engineers produce the final set of construction documents, which include detailed drawings, schematics and specifications for the structure. These documents are used by contractors and builders to construct the structure according to the engineer’s design.
  5. Construction: During the construction stage, structural engineers will work with the contractors and builders to ensure that the structure is being built according to the design and that the materials and methods used are appropriate. They may also perform inspections and testing of the materials and components used in the structure.
  6. Maintenance: Once the structure is complete, structural engineers may be involved in ongoing maintenance and monitoring of the structure, including regular inspections, to ensure that it remains safe and stable over time.

In summary, structural engineering is required throughout all stages of development, from the initial concept and design, through to the construction, and ongoing maintenance of the structure. It is an integral part of the building process, ensuring that the structure is safe, stable and built to last.

CDC application VS DA application?

quality assurance

CDC and DA are both acronyms that are used in the building and construction industry, and they refer to different types of applications that may be required during the development process.

CDC stands for Complying Development Certificate, it is a type of development approval that can be used in certain circumstances for certain types of development such as additions or minor renovations to an existing building, or new buildings of a certain size and use. The purpose of CDC is to provide a more efficient and streamlined development process for certain types of developments.

DA stands for Development Application. This is an application for formal consent to undertake a proposed development. Development applications are required for most types of developments, including new buildings, major renovations, and changes of use. DA can cover a variety of different types of building works, and many factors like zoning, land use, and floor space, etc have to be considered before submitting a DA.

In summary, a CDC application is a specific type of development application, that can be used for certain types of development that are considered to be complying development. A DA application is a more general type of application that is required for most types of development, including new buildings, major renovations, and changes of use. In both cases, the goal is to follow the local regulations, guidelines and codes and the aim is to get the development proposal approved.


In conclusion, structural engineering is a crucial discipline that shapes the safety and stability of buildings and infrastructure. As a leading structural engineering firm, Prime Consulting Engineers plays a pivotal role in this field. With our expertise and dedication, we are committed to delivering innovative and cost-effective solutions to our clients.

At Prime Consulting Engineers, we understand the complexities and challenges of structural engineering. Our team of highly skilled engineers collaborates closely with architects, designers, and clients to develop optimal and sustainable structural designs. Through the use of advanced tools like Finite Element Analysis (FEA), we ensure the structural integrity of our designs, analyzing the behavior of structures under various conditions.

Cost-effectiveness is a key aspect of our approach. We carefully select materials and construction techniques to create efficient designs without compromising on safety and quality. Our focus on value engineering and life-cycle cost analysis enables us to provide solutions that are not only safe but also economical over the entire life of the structure.

Quality assurance is a cornerstone of our services. We employ rigorous inspection, testing, and design reviews to ensure that our projects meet the highest standards and comply with relevant building codes and regulations. From the conceptual design to the construction phase and beyond, our team is dedicated to maintaining the highest level of quality and client satisfaction.

As a trusted name in the industry, Prime Consulting Engineers takes pride in contributing to the development of safe, reliable, and sustainable structures. Our commitment to excellence and innovation sets us apart, making us a preferred choice for a wide range of projects, including buildings, bridges, towers, and infrastructure.

In the ever-evolving field of structural engineering, Prime Consulting Engineers remains at the forefront, continuously striving for excellence and embracing cutting-edge technologies. We look forward to shaping a better and more resilient future, one structure at a time.


What is structural engineering, and what does it involve?

Structural engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the analysis and design of structures to support and resist various loads. It involves using principles of mechanics and materials science to ensure the safety and stability of buildings and infrastructure. Structural Engineers ensure that the structure is safe and stable, and that it complies with building codes and regulations.

What are the skills of a structural engineer?

Structural engineers typically have a strong background in mathematics, particularly in calculus and physics, as well as knowledge of structural design, building codes and regulations, and construction materials. They also have strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as the ability to work well in a team. Other important skills for a structural engineer include:

  • Knowledge of software and tools used in the industry
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Familiarity with design codes and regulations
  • Strong analytical and decision-making abilities
  • Understanding of the properties of different materials, especially steel, concrete and timber
  • Familiarity with building information modeling (BIM)
  • Familiarity with environmental loads and regulations
  • Understanding of construction process and ability to read construction drawings.

What is the difference between a Civil engineer and a Structural engineer?

Civil Engineers tend to take on a broader range of responsibilities across an infrastructure project while Structural engineers tend to focus on the specific design of structural systems, making sure they can support and resist loads, in a safe and stable manner.

What is FEA and how it helps engineers?

FEA stands for Finite Element Analysis, a numerical method used to analyse the behavior of structures and materials under different loads and conditions. It is commonly used in engineering to simulate the response of a physical system to real-world conditions and is particularly important in the design of complex structures, such as aircraft, bridges, and buildings. It uses mathematical models, software and computers to determine how a structure or a material will behave under a variety of conditions, such as different loads, vibration, temperature changes and other types of stress.

What is a Development Application (DA)?

A Development Application (DA) is a formal application for consent to undertake a proposed development. It is a comprehensive application required for most types of developments, including new buildings, major renovations, and changes of use.

What is a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) application?

A CDC application is a streamlined type of development approval that can be used for certain types of low-risk developments. It allows for quicker processing, as it complies with pre-established development standards outlined in the local planning codes and regulations.

What is the difference between CDC application and DA application?

a CDC application is a specific type of development application, that can be used for certain types of development that are considered to be complying development. A DA application is a more general type of application that is required for most types of development, including new buildings, major renovations, and changes of use. In both cases, the goal is to follow the local regulations, guidelines and codes and the aim is to get the development proposal approved.

Which application process is faster, CDC or DA?

CDC applications typically have a faster processing time compared to DAs. Since CDC complies with pre-established standards, it is subject to fewer assessments, leading to quicker approval. DAs may require more extensive reviews and consultations, leading to longer processing times.

How do I determine if my development qualifies for a CDC or DA application?

The qualification for a CDC or DA application depends on the specific nature of the proposed development and the local planning codes and regulations. Consulting with Prime Consulting Engineers can help you determine the appropriate application based on your project’s scope and complexity.

Can Prime Consulting Engineers assist with both CDC and DA applications?

Yes, Prime Consulting Engineers can assist with both CDC and DA applications. Our team of experts can provide structural engineering assessments and documentation necessary for either type of application to ensure compliance with building codes and regulations.

How does Prime Consulting Engineers contribute to structural engineering?

Prime Consulting Engineers is a leading structural engineering firm that plays a pivotal role in the field. With a team of highly skilled engineers, we deliver innovative and cost-effective solutions to our clients, ensuring the structural integrity and safety of their projects.

How does Prime Consulting Engineers ensure the quality of its projects?

Quality assurance is a cornerstone of our services. We conduct rigorous inspections, testing, and design reviews to ensure that our projects meet the highest standards and comply with relevant building codes and regulations, ensuring the safety and reliability of the structures.

What sets Prime Consulting Engineers apart from other structural engineering firms?

Prime Consulting Engineers stands out for its commitment to excellence and innovation. We continuously embrace cutting-edge technologies, collaborate closely with clients, and prioritise delivering safe, reliable, and sustainable structures.